快好知 kuaihz

1. Evil communications corrupt good manners. 2. Don't leave your manners on the doorstep. 3. Honours change manners. 4. Other times, other manners. 5. Manners make the man. 6. He needs to be taught some manners. 7. Their rude manners grate on us. 8. Pay attention to your manners. 9. The sweetness of her manners made everyone like her. 10. You must refine your manners. 11. You should not disparage good manners. 12. I can' t tolerate your bad manners any longer. 13. His mother reproached him for his bad manners. 14. His bad table manners embarrassed her. 15. Good manners ban abusive language anyplace. 16. 'After you' is good manners. 17. His good manners predispose people to like him. 18. It isn't good manners to stare at people. 19. Money stripped off the veneer of good manners. 20. His manners stamp him as a gentleman. 21. It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full. 22. Excuse her bad manners. 23. Your table manners are appalling - don't you know how to use a knife and fork? 24. Many visitors complained of his bad manners and self-importance. 25. His manners proclaimed him a gentleman. 26. His manners proclaim him a scholar. 27. Their children have very good table manners. 28. One should cultivate good manners from childhood. 29. Both boys had good manners, politely shaking hands. 30. She covers her selfishness with a varnish of good manners.