快好知 kuaihz

1 He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. 2 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda. 3 His political masters are all old right-wing politicians. 4 He received death threats from right-wing groups. 5 The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain. 6 Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals. 7 Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment. 8 The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting. 9 Recent elections have shown significant gains by right-wing groups. 10 Several members hold very right-wing beliefs . 11 The harshest criticism came from right-wing ideologists. 12 The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles. 13 He is known to have right-wing sympathies. 14 The organization is very right-wing. 15 The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists. 16 She is entrenched in her right-wing views. 17 Mead calls the group "rabidly right-wing". 18 This newspaper's views are very right-wing. 19 They were blacklisted because of their extreme right-wing views. 20 He's on the extreme right-wing of the party. 21 It's a newspaper with a large right-wing readership. 22 He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war. 23 He used to be very right-wing, but he's undergone something of a conversion recently. 24 He criticized such right-wing nostrums as wage freezes or cuts in public spending. 25 The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups. 26 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest. 27 He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes. 28 Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism. 29 By mid-1988 there were clear indications of the extreme fragility of the Right-wing coalition. 30 The result of last week's election will be seen as a victory for the right-wing government.