快好知 kuaihz

1. These rocks are awash at high tide. 2. The bathroom floor was awash. 3. All the pavements were awash with rubbish. 4. The city is awash with drugs. 5. The ship's deck was awash in the storm. 6. The computer market is awash with software for every kind of computer. 7. This, after all, is a company which is awash with cash. 8. The city is awash with drugs and the police are powerless to do anything about it. 9. The village is awash with history, legends and local charm. 10. Rodley sighted a sandbank awash ahead. 11. Meantime, Adelaide had become awash with journalists. 12. The toilet leaks, leaving the bathroom floor awash in slimy water. 13. In 1986, with the Community still awash with milk, production quotas were imposed on dairy farmers. 14. Patrese's move was expected; the grapevine's been awash with rumour over next year's Williams line-up. 15. Years of war have left a country awash with guns. 17. Those who do not will remain awash in half-truths, outright deceptions and fraud. 18. The mortgage market is awash with great money-saving deals as lenders compete fiercely to attract borrowers. 19. By the time I discovered the problem, the floor was awash. 20. The river had burst its banks and the road was awash. 21. The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighbourhood were awash. 22. The sink had overflowed and the kitchen floor was awash. 23. The last time he'd dived off it, the coral heads had been awash. 24. Now, and for the foreseeable future, the world is awash in plutonium. 25. He worked only part-time, an elevator operator, because the country was awash in college graduates. 26. It seemed perfectly natural that the centre and bow areas of our raft were permanently awash. 27. Today, on the eve of the Olympics, Atlanta is awash in tickets. 28. Advertisers also point out the hypocrisy of barring sponsored programmes when sports coverage is awash with branding. 29. I found fifteen waiting for me when I arrived at the Awash Station, all thoroughly unhappy at the prospect ahead. 30. The tops of the wedges are often covered with gravel and may be awash during the spring thaw.