快好知 kuaihz

1) What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals. 2) Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals. 3) The besetting sin of 18th-century urban Britain was drunkenness. 4) His lapse into drunkenness followed a long run of bad luck. 5) He was taken up for drunkenness. 6) She yelled at him about his constant drunkenness. 7) One of the workers was sacked for drunkenness. 8) He was convicted of drunkenness and vagrancy. 9) One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness. 10) Drunkenness at work was sufficient grounds for instant dismissal. 11) He was arrested for drunkenness on his way to the football ground. 12) English soccer fans are notorious for their drunkenness. 13) Public drunkenness is against the law in Mexico. 14) His maudlin drunkenness was not helping matters. 15) The pentecostal faith strictly forbids drunkenness, carousing, and infidelity. 16) Stories abounded of his drunkenness and adventures with women, including attempted rapes, even before he was legally an adult. 17) The law defines drunkenness as a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood. 18) The Romans believed the amethyst prevented drunkenness and used to drink out of goblets studded with these purple gems. 19) He was at that point of drunkenness where, acutely conscious of it, he made an effort to hide it. 20) The besetting sin of the time was drunkenness, and a couple of notorious drunks lived near Richard Baxter. 21) In some areas public order and drunkenness offences are down by more than a third. 22) She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence. 23) Contrary to popular myth , the majority of accidents are not caused by speeding or drunkenness. 24) The experience of mystic trance is in a sense analogous to sleep or drunkenness. 25) The newspapers in Glasgow didn't run any sensational stories about kids indulging in drugs, mass drunkenness or violence. 26) Although arrests are up slightly at 20, Chief Supt Tasker said most were for very minor offences, such as drunkenness. 27) But the king merely tightened his hold, as if all this energy had sweated drunkenness out of him. 28) He rolls off me and passes out on the pillow, the smell of his drunkenness lingering like something live. 29) North Shields magistrates clipped 90 minutes off the hours after hearing complaints that Tynemouth already suffered enough from drunkenness. 30) San Diego police took 21 Metallica concertgoers to a detox center and eight others were arrested for public drunkenness.