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61. An enormous tractor with giant wheels was driving across his path. 62. They had told drivers of 14 civilian tractor trailers carrying supplies to link up with the first convoy. 63. I don't think the tractor came this way - there are no tyre marks in the mud. 64. Some one brings out a tractor and pulls a roller up and down the road, smoothing it out. 65. Suddenly its noise was distinct and loud like a tractor coming over the western horizon. 66. I scurried under the tractor as the doors began to creak open. 67. I left Don one morning, just after he came in off his tractor from the fields. 68. However he never considered fitting air brakes to the tractor. 69. A single tractor was slowly spreading fertilizer over a huge wheatfield. 70. Toy trucks moved between hangars; a minute tractor drove slowly down the main runway. 71. Often makers try pulling a fast one by giving a tractor a number that's bigger than its actual horsepower. 72. Tractor drivers Brian Kellett and Stevie Griffiths have both worked on the farm for 20 years. 73. The tractor swayed from side to side, almost throwing me out of my seat. 74. I took a turn on a rope slide and had to sit on a tractor tyre on the way down. 75. When cultivation is done with mattocks and hoes women do it; when a tractor comes along, men drive it. 76. Far off she heard the drone of a tractor working late or set for home. 77. Grass road verges have almost vanished, whittled away by the volume of traffic and the inexorable weight of tractor wheels. 78. She heard the distant sound of the tractor starting up, which meant that Fernand had no intention of waiting for her. 79. The homeward-bound ploughman roars his tractor across the flyover linking two fields bisected by the roar of the motorway beneath. 80. A reconditioned 1950 model tractor will be given as a door prize. 81. At the distillery, workers mash agave plants with a huge grindstone drawn around a deep circular pit by an ancient tractor. 82. They designed and built a new tractor mower and turned their former customers into competitors. 83. We could have passed a law outlawing tractors or requiring every tractor to be accompanied by a man on a horse. 84. One morning, Ted drove a tractor and plough into the field and commenced the job. 85. Over the winter the distinctive bare earth is ground up and massed into sharp ruts by tractor tyres. 86. Final touches to the tractor included fitting the two original air intakes and filters from the lorry. 87. He opens a surfer shop in Ames, Iowa, right down the street from the tractor repair shop. 88. Carla Miller was widowed when a tractor rolled over on her husband. 88. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 89. Still others were in their small groups connecting the dots on a picture to show a boy riding on a tractor. 90. The tractor ruts led straight on to a farm gate.