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121, The council was considering several options outlined by City Attorney Glenn Sabine. 122, Probably conceived in utero, he first spoke these words to me when we were considering Yeats' epitaph. 123, One could accept the mathematical models of Copernican astronomy without even considering whether the earth really moves. 124, In the early 1940s, the Bureau devised the plan of considering an entire river basin as an integrated project. 125, And there is a particularly close connection in the case we are considering. 126, When considering bids, preference will be given to bids involving significant employee participation. 127, First and foremost, we are intentionally considering a limited subset of the potential causes of recent longer-term climate change. 128, As a result, both candidates for governor are considering earmarking some state aid for salary increases. 129, It was a very good offer, an amazing offer, considering who it came from. 130, He does this by considering what he calls aspects of power. 131, Considering all the power that accumulates by the end of this novel, the first hundred pages are disappointingly slow. 132, The algorithm used is best described by considering an example. 133, He announced he was considering the move in September and yesterday confirmed the details. 134, Harwell was considering diversifying into new non-nuclear areas for the offshore and biotechnology industries. 135, The issue of intellectual ability is especially important when considering the prevalence of mild dementia. 136, The Commission said this was insufficient and is considering court action. 137, Congress is considering a supplemental appropriation to help compensate for that loss, Moos said. 138, Tables 6.6 and 6.7 give two views of this shift,[http:///considering.html] considering different time periods and employing different classifications. 139, But now all of us have been absolved of ever considering it again. 140, Laing pauses to collect his thoughts when considering what was perhaps the most difficult decision of his long career. 141, Worth considering are species producing six or more flowers per bulb - Tete A Tete is ideal for window boxes. 142, Again the place was surprisingly clean considering how cramped it was. 143, Net margins were 14% of turnover, a very good performance considering the very unfavourable worldwide economic climate. 144, Our client, who prefers to remain anonymous, is considering incorporating cruises into his contract. 145, This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1. 146, It is this capacity to give meaning which needs to be held on to in considering human behaviour. 147, Considering the seriousness of the matter to be debated there was an unusually low attendance at the meeting. 148, Moscow is considering a ban on alcohol and tobacco advertising in most public places and on transport. 149, I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job. 150, Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.