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middle manager造句
1 Third, the rest of the middle managers are nervous. 2 There is increasing evidence of disillusionment among middle managers which goes beyond the long-established mid-career crisis literature. 3 Among those who face cutbacks: general supervisors, middle managers and production workers. 4 Many middle managers also carry out a marketing role when dealing with issues relating to their public. 5 The middle manager may at one time be at the apex, at another in the middle. 6 The middle managers are gone,[www.] and they are not coming back. 7 The work of middle managers and a focus on function remain unchanged. 8 The questions of the fallen middle managers, however, are not trivial or self-centered. 9 Similarly, most middle managers are average or above average in intelligence. 10 There are no layers of middle managers relaying messages - the environment is perfect for communication and intuition. 11 A cull of 1,000 middle managers should lop a further £225m off costs. 12 The senior and middle managers whose salaries contributed heavily to the top-heavy cost structure that ostensibly prohibited competitive pricing? 13 In an extreme case, she guided one middle manager who was going through mid-life swerve into working at a zoo. 14 In the organizational hierarchy of the past, middle managers were the people who remembered things, who passed on corporate culture. 15 And unfortunately for middle managers, the encroachment of technology has coincided with a less autocratic approach to management. 16 The paper such as the middle manager assessment content to determine, the system design and so on study thoroughly. In the stationary index determined the mentalityaspect has the certain breakthrough. 17 Fabrice, an average middle manager , is the ultimate fan of Johnny Hallyday. 18 Whether you are a new middle manager or a new President-elect, the common wisdom is that you have three months to make an impact in your new role. 19 The enterprise middle manager performance assessment system construction always is the human resources and the business management research hot spot and the difficulty. 20 At some point, corporations will be hiring, rather than firing, middle managers. 21 Indeed, a 1990 study by Catalyst found initial resistance to flexible schedules by 41 percent of middle managers. 22 How real are many so-called management posts in schools, e.g. deputy heads in primary schools and middle managers in secondary schools? 23 Computers are belatedly replacing thousands of clerical staff and middle managers. 24 Terribly talented people often have little tolerance for less talented middle managers. 25 The paper finally also has carried on the exploration on the middle manager performance assessment implementation main point and the necessary measure. 26 Yongzhou Hongii real estate company is a Chinese—foreign joint venture property real estate enterprise, its original middle manager Compensation incentive has not played the big role. 27 "There's certainly a lot more dissension with Steve than there would have been even three year ago, " said a former middle manager who recently left the company after 15 years. 28 But as the story unfolds, it transpires that his skills as a middle manager are less relevant at board level and his general popularity disguised his less demanding attitude towards team members. 29 The emergence of these circumstances, is that we have not from "internal customer relationship" approach to understanding the role between middle manager. 30 At the same time, completed the development of application software of assessment and appraisement system for the middle manager of oil extraction in shengli oil field.