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241. During the haemopoiesis process of stem cells, all kinds of the transcriptional mistakes will lead to the aging of cell cycle, which is the result of allochromosome enlarging. 242. This research aims to study Panicum miliaceum L. leaves activity and the aging characteristics of oxygen metabolism by using Yu-Mi 3 and the pot method. 243. Get the lead out of gasoline and it comes at you through aging pipes. 244. AIM: To investigate the vision and eye condition of the longevous aging over 90 years and to analyze the impact factors. 245. Obama looks like he is aging rapidly. Is this a clone? 246. To regulate dry and sensitive skin, and fade out striae of pregnancy and scars; Increase skin elasticity, slow down the skin aging period. 247. Exercise isn't about improving your heart and fighting flab that comes with aging. 248. Integration of multi-vitamins, minerals and high fruit extract and accelerate cell renewal, clean skin, avoiding skin elastic tissue affected by turbidity against accelerated aging. 249. These results indicate that SPATA4 gene could be a candidate participating organismal aging. 250. The stress relaxation of 8 types of vulcanizates during the atmospheric aging test has been evaluated. 251. The lipid peroxidation induced by free radicals is the essential reason for welsh onion seeds aging. 252. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of brain aging and the role of ASN and NAC peptide on striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) function. 253. LIKE THE AGING HAS-BEEN WHO ruefully looks back on his glory days in high school, many investors frequently replay previous bull markets in their minds. 254. Those are the only discernable signs of aging that I can find so far. 255. Contain provitamin A super particle and energy astringent that can effectively prevent skin aging around eyes, erase the mark of age, and leave eyes more lustrous and amazing. 256. The polypropylene(PP) was modified by self-made sericite-based inorganic UV-screen agent, and the mechanical properties of the PP composites after light aging were tested. 257. Conclusion Ginkgo flavone shows a remarkable anti - aging effect on the D - galactose - induced aging mice. 258. Such shortening is part of a cell's aging process, and since cancer cells keep dividing forever, the Whitehead group reasoned that making human cells more mouselike might also make them cancerous. 259. Poly ( methyl methacrylate ) branched chain in MG molecule structure was destroyed when thermal and oxygenous aging. 260. Conclusion:Under the ozone aging condition, the SY-1 silicone elastomers stained with oil pigment and inorganic salt may have better color stability than that with gouache color. 261. The influence of chlorobutadiene rubber(CBR) proportion on the physical properties, aging properties and flame retardance of CBR/CR, NBR or CPE blends was investigated. 262. Another example of paeony immune regulation, anti - aging, anti - fatigue effect. 263. Differences exist in the quantity, morphology and function of dendritic cells as well as the content of cytokines between photoaging skin and chronologically aging skin. 264. And the results of accelerated aging test about the coatings are given. 265. Dispatches from early this year, for instance, quote the aging monarch of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, as speaking scathingly about the leaders of Iraq and Pakistan. 266. Meat aging can increase water retention and therefore increases juiciness. 267. The Lockheed Martin-made jets will replace the aging, Soviet-made MiG-21 Lancer aircraft now used by the Romanian Air Force. 268. Some physiological and biochemical changes were investigated after the artificial aging of Chinese cabbage seeds. 269. Results show that dampness will accelerate insulation aging and shorten the life span of electrical insulation system. 270. As the tick, tick, tick of the biological clock sounded ever louder, aging baby boomers got down to the business of having a baby boomlet of their own.