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91. In the same year he made his first parachute jump from an airship. 92. The new generation of parachute is faster and more maneuverable. 93. Students at the college have raised £6,000 for the appeal so far by parachute jumps and other fund-raising efforts. 94. He wore full combat kit and a large silver crucifix on a chain, which matched his parachute wings. 95. His parachute was caught by turbulence as he came in to land on a school playing field. 96. He had adapted the parachute design to produce a homemade hang-glider. 97. Mr Wakenshaw's parachute became tangled in the wheels of a plane and he was dragged along its fuselage. 98. Their fingers skim on the silk as the unwieldy billows of parachute flatten like sea-waves, oiled, folded in sevens. 99. Mr deVries says it was never clear the exact terms of Mr Homburg's golden parachute or his priority shares. 100. We have been in great difficulty during the last thirty six hours over an alleged parachute operation which you have in view. 101. Ready to jump out of plane with no parachute? 102. Chairmen were ejected, but not without a golden parachute. 103. How a paraglider a skydiving parachute? 104. His backup parachute also failed. 105. Her skirt billowed out like a parachute. 106. To parachute from an aircraft; eject. 107. There is usefulness to the parachute. 108. He was almost strangled by his parachute harness straps. 109. Bigot: you beat them unconscious with the parachute. 110. Dear God, this parachute is a knapsack! 111. A gust of wind caught the parachute. 112. An aeroplane piloted by Dino Moline opens its parachute after an accident when it lost one of its wings during an air show near El Trebol, Santa Fe province, Argentina. 113. He criticized the plan for doing nothing to prevent Wall Street executives from unloading troubled loans and "walking away with a bonus and a golden parachute." 114. Golden parachute: Contractual benefits that assure a high-level employee of generous payments if a company is taken over and he or she is dismissed as a result. 115. Even by the standards of Wall Street "golden parachute" for departing executives, the Robinson package is substantial. 116. The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute orglide down from its tree top home. 117. Although the Martian atmosphere is very rare, a parachute is an important decelerator in the entry, descent and landing system for Mars exploration mission. 118. She fired 28, 000 people before she herself was fired, departing with the 21 million dollar golden parachute that is financing her campaign. 119. "The party is over for this compensation for CEOs who take the golden parachute as they drive their companies into the ground," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 120. This frog has long webbed toes and a skin flap between its limbs Flying Gecko 6.which allows it to parachute down from treetops.