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91. Today, the EEG is still a medically useful recording for brain function. 92. Conclusion Eyelid myoclonia with absences is likely to be misdiagnosed due to complicated symptoms and masking effect of EEG changes by anti- epileptic drugs. 93. Objective To propose a new approach for real - time detection of binocular rivalry through electroencephalogram ( EEG ). 94. EEG monitoring might be helpful in early diagnosis and therapy. 95. Objective:To observe the change of BEAM, EEG and CT in lacunar infarction, and their clinical diagnoses significance. 96. Behaviorally, the animals showed typical arousal with the appearance of EEG desynchronization, and sleepiness with the appearance of EEG synchronization. 97. Objective To discuss the changes of EEG relief map of parotitis patients combined with encephalitis so that to supply the basis of clinical diagnosis and treatment. 98. Spirometry, Ent, Sleep Disorders, Eeg , Scales and Foot Support Medical, Diagnostic and Hospital Supplies. 99. Objective: To study the diagnostic value of EEG to patients with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. 100. Method:32 patients with telophase of uraemia were applied to HF, their electronencephalograth(EEG) were tested before HF and six months after HF. 101. Objective To compare the results of CT, MRI, electroencephalogram (EEG) and transcranial Doppler (TCD) in examination of posttraumatic epilepsy. 102. Methods:The EEG of undergoing multichannel, various types and combined with image data were analyzed in 15 patients with LGS. Epileptiform waves were also analyzed by dipole localization method. 103. Conclusion rotation test might increase the positivity rate of EEG. 104. Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) assumes a dominant position in the current research of the depth detection of anesthesia. 105. Methods 23 patients of headache epilepsia received nervous system and EEG examination , when they were attack or in stage of attack. 106. Objective : To investigate of non - linear dynamics characteristics of electroencephalogram ( EEG ) with the patients of stagnation ofQi syndrome. 107. Methods:Pre operative scalp EEG, cortex EEG and the tumor body electrogram during operation were recorded in 5 patients with hypothalamic hamartoma, and the results were analyzed. 108. To pick up brain activity, the skullcap is covered in electroencephalographic (EEG) electrodes. 109. The study then focused on a new Brain Machine Interface based on electroencephalography (EEG), which measures electrical activity in the brain caused by the firing of neurons. 110. Objective : To remove the noise and ECG artifact in EEG. 111. Pre - seizure transitional phase of the EEG was detected with correlation integral method. 112. We want to buy Spirometry , Ent, Sleep Disorders, Eeg, Scales and Foot Support Medical, Diagnostic and Hospital Supplies. 113. Objective: To analyze the clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) features of partial motor status epilepticus. 114. Objective To explore the changes of computed tomography (CT) and electroencephalogram (EEG) in patients with grand mal epilepsy without nervous systemic signs. 115. Conclusion The EEG relief map could have important value for the diagnosis of parotitis combined with encephalitis and play a definite action in diagnosis and treatment. 116. From medical findings, some physiological characters, such as eye blink, heart beat, blood pressure, EEG, etc, can reflect the fatigue level. 117. Conclusion The forensic determination of post traumatic epilepsy must be on the basis of traumatic and previous history combined with EEG, CT and MRI analysis. 118. Objective To explore the character of clinic, EEG , histology and neuroradiology on hemimegalencephaly with intractable epilepsy, and to value the effect of hemispherectomy for hemimegalencephaly. 119. SEP was recorded with the same electrode lead as EEG, in addition, stimulatory electrode was punctured left rear leg. 120. A new method for the deconvolution of cortical EEG potential distribution from the measured scalp EEG is proposed in this paper, which improves the spatial resolution of EEG considerably.