快好知 kuaihz

(1) The evening sky was darkening as I made my way home. (2) When I woke up, the room was darkening. (3) The darkening path felt warm and soft as fur. (4) She sits motionless, watching the darkening distant trees. (5) He had to go into the darkening jungle. (6) Crawling at a walk up the darkening gulch, they ate. (7) At first, the darkening official mood seems not to have troubled Prokofiev. (8) After a time, he strolled down to the darkening lake. (9) He looked out across the darkening moor, its becks and mires, its hills d bony ridges of granite. (10) She wandered out into the darkening grounds, across the lawn towards the trees. (11) Forty-one Liz stood in her darkening bedroom and gazed down at Anna. (12) Ixora had vanished into the darkening afternoon, and this time he knew he would not discover her so easily. (13) He overcomes its characteristic darkening during preparation by throwing in a carrot. (14) A thin trickle of blood was darkening below his mouth where her ring had torn the skin. (15) But now, looking out at the gusty darkening waste, she did remember. (16) My father turned Rawalpindi towards the darkening western horizon and increased to full speed. (17) Aware of being outmanoeuvred she pauses, then gives in, clambering out, water trickling down, darkening the boards. (18) As the afternoon drew to a close, Mildred crept downstairs and out into the darkening yard. (19) The sun was going down, the power station laid a creased white sleeve of smoke against the darkening sky. (20) He went back through the wicket gate, crossed the darkening village green. (21) The white limestone formed a dramatic panorama against the darkening sky. (22) He has lost weight and there is a new darkening in the sallow skin beneath his eyes. (23) We walked along the shore as the sun's last rays winked over the darkening sea, then headed for home. (24) She was high on the cliff, here, and the ledge was close to the darkening sky. (25) Even with the magnification of a monocular, I can barely make out indistinct humps gliding through the darkening water. (26) He drew deeply on the cigarette and stared out at the darkening sea. (27) Just one wide awake sedge warbler sang solo as stars began to twinkle in the darkening night sky. (28) Springsteen was sitting on top of the stereo stack, looking out of the window into the darkening sky. (29) The frescos also had high carbon levels, and these were responsible for the darkening of the paintings. (30) All kinds of pretty little girls were cutting down the darkening street.