快好知 kuaihz

1. That's quite immaterial to me. 2. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes. 3. The condition of the car is quite immaterial as long as it works. 4. The body is material but the soul is immaterial. 5. It is immaterial whether he stays or leaves. 6. These facts are immaterial to the problem. 7. When it happened is immaterial. 8. Whether we like him or not is immaterial. 9. When it happened is immaterial; I want to know why it happened. 10. If you sign a document, it is wholly immaterial whether you have read it carefully or not. 11. The cost is immaterial. 12. Persons, for Descartes, are mental or immaterial thinking substances. 13. To Boltwood, the scientific explanation is immaterial. 14. The nature of the seller's possession is immaterial. 15. The difference in our ages was immaterial. 16. It was immaterial to the customers who dealt with them on the telephone. 17. It is immaterial that his promise is far more valuable than the price he has asked for it. 18. There were a thousand and one immaterial reasons to vacate the premises, not the least of which being Mr Mackenzie himself. 19. The general opinion was that comets were immaterial, spiritual portents sent by the Creator as warnings about impending momentous events. 20. Whether the book is well or badly written is immaterial - it has an important message. 21. Whether one agrees or disagrees with this contention is immaterial. 22. And even if, I repeat their findings were valid, enough unchallengeable evidence would remain to make them immaterial. 23. Provided that it is reasonable to incur the particular expense, however, it is immaterial that the expense may be very large. 24. The fact that it had a happy ending was immaterial to me. 25. This may make any savings you anticipate by remortgaging immaterial in the long run. 26. I think you would say that the details,(Sentence dictionary) important to the sufferer are immaterial to the state of mind. 27. The content of the mathematics qualification to them is immaterial. 28. Of course you could also be looking for work at home, where the ability to travel to and fro is immaterial. 29. What one would have believed in certain circumstances is equally immaterial to what one should now believe. 30. The second element is that information is the basis of technological revolution, it is a perfectly immaterial revolution.