快好知 kuaihz

(1) It portrays him as cold and uncaring. (2) She is often condemned as uncaring. (3) We live in an uncaring society. (4) He was selfish and uncaring. (5) The bishop criticized the government for its "callous, uncaring attitude" to the homeless and the unemployed. (6) In the article she was misrepresented as an uncaring mother. (7) Uncaring, she blew her nose on a silk sheet. (8) She did not appear from her expression as uncaring of this interruption as the maid would have led Lois to believe. (9) For years Diana suffered their uncaring ways in silence, making herself ill in the process. (10) To prescribe nothing could be unethical, uncaring, and perilous in terms of the investigation of the case and the pursuit of truth. (11) He tried again, uncaring that the tramp was motionless by now, the stench of excrement already beginning to permeate the air. (12) It became an impersonal, distant, uncaring, social and welfare service. (13) If we are uncaring or too lenient. (14) It's of no use complaining to an uncaring boss. (15) I was determined to become as self-involved and uncaring as possible. (16) People who kinder , uncaring unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog. (17) We are often uncaring short - tempered and unforgiving - flat - out too much like ourselves and not enough like Him! (18) People who are unkind uncaring can be described as miner as meaner than a junkyard dog. (19) He is the most self - centered, uncaring guy I have ever known. (20) Cold and uncaring , the brightly-colored eye of a reptile while beautiful is also a bit scary for some. (21) People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than junk yard junkyard dog. (22) In his trial, he tried to portray himself as the victim of an uncaring society. (23) He can veto such plans, confirming his reputation as an uncaring conservative. (24) They have few outside contacts and white society is uncaring and often hostile towards them. (25) In a medical book, the psychopath is cold-blooded, premeditated, uncaring, manipulative. (26) All of us there were so stunned that a man of such high standing in the golf world could be so uncaring. (27) None of this is to imply that Dobson is uncaring toward victims of wife abuse. (28) Because Black Jack keeps his true motives secret, his ethics are perceived as questionable and he is considered a selfish, uncaring devil my the medical industry. (29) To deny love is to align ourselves with a cold, uncaring world. (30) Why don't you call a spade a spade? He's a rude, uncaring, selfish man!