快好知 kuaihz

1, He compressed cotton into bales. 2, Her lips compressed into a thin line. 3, Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards. 4, She compressed her lips. 5, With a supply of compressed air, the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds. 6, As more snow fell, the bottom layer was compressed into ice. 7, In her anger she compressed her lips so tightly that they went white. 8, His mouth compressed into a thin, hard line. 9, The main arguments were compressed into one chapter. 10, He compressed his report into three pages. 11, Some courses such as engineering had to be compressed. 12, Isobel nodded, her lips compressed. 13, Cotton has been compressed into bales. 14, Snow falling on the mountainsides is compressed into ice. 15, The miners used rock drills and compressed air to drive through hard rock. 16, The compressed gas is cooled and condenses into a liquid. 17, The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words. 18, The four debates will be compressed into an unprecedentedly short eight-day period. 19, Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability. 20, Rehearsal time will have to be compressed into two evenings. 21, All those three books are compacted and compressed into one book. 22, Three years of training were compressed into eighteen months. 23, Boy larking with compressed air line. 38. 24, He compressed his lips in silent offence. 25, Bags should never be compressed for storage. 26, Ben saw Rosten's body tauten like a compressed coil. 27, The play has been compressed from a huge book. 28, He hand drew each sheet and then compressed them. 29, Scuba divers used cylinders of compressed air. 30, When you download the font it may be in a compressed format,[http:///compressed.html] such as a zip file.