快好知 kuaihz

1, They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station. 2, Intended audience programmers, module managers, and quality assurers. 3, All module names must be unique on this page. 4, Repeat the operation specifying a known package module. 5, This does not include the Intrastat module. 6, You should enter a valid module name. 7, Please supply a valid module name. 8, Figure 5.12 Left, the interior of the service module. 9, Changes were made to the command module. 10, Placement of the bass module is particularly critical. 11, This defaults to the current module manager. 12, Swap for rack mounted sound module. 13, The lunar module pilot occupied the right-hand couch. 14, There are no special entry requirements for the module. 15, Consider the atmosphere in the Apollo command module. 16, Please retry with a valid module name. 17, The Alvin is the lunar module of deep-sea exploration. 18, Distribution, however, takes place via module names. 19, This module was designed for astrophysics research. 20, You should enter a known module issue. 21, These include viewing the module details and module substate. 22, It is not mandatory to provide any module names. 23, The module referred to by the keyword BUILT-BY is the command file which builds i.e compiles, links etc. the package. 24, Option 1.8.0, Update Module Details, enables the user to update the details of an existing module. 25, As the command module entered the atmosphere tipped backwards so its heat shield was protecting the crew, the same effect happened. 26, The module will be undertaken on a group basis and self and peer assessment will feature strongly. 27, While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module. 28, I have to take a physics course/class. This is called a module in Britain, especially in a college or university. 29, A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station. 30, The two front speakers are wired to the bass module.