快好知 kuaihz

1. Chris is going to work overseas. 2. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas. 3. The university welcomes applications from overseas students. 4. We need to open up overseas markets. 5. This book retails at 10 dollars overseas. 6. U.S. business today is challenged by aggressive overseas competitors. 7. Many firms are concentrating on increasing their markets overseas. 8. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative. 9. The old man is a patriotic overseas Chinese. 10. How much overseas/foreign aid does Britain give? 11. The higher salaries paid overseas have caused a haemorrhage of talent from this country. 12. She'd made some overseas investments as a hedge against rising inflation in this country. 13. Overseas earnings accounted for 9% of the total last year. 14. Going overseas again, eh? It's a nice life for some! 15. His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home. 16. Have you been overseas? 17. My brother lives overseas. 18. The prices of overseas holidays are subject to surcharges. 19. I sacrificed two years'seniority by taking the overseas posting. 20. The radio station sets up an overseas broadcast program. 20.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 21. Generous remuneration packages are often attached to overseas postings. 22. The overseas markets have now declined in importance. 23. Overseas debt is a staggering £16 billion. 24. Overseas the legal issues are more muddied. 25. Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. 26. My brother is a student overseas. 27. The product is sold both at home and overseas. 28. We should be able to retail most of these products to overseas customers. 29. He has returned to South Africa from his long overseas trip. 30. They are no longer part of a duopoly on overseas routes.