快好知 kuaihz

31. Valenzuela himself was promoted from guard duty to acting as a back-up in kidnapping operations. 32. In a way it mirrored the original kidnapping itself, and carried almost equal risks for everyone concerned. 33. Sams has pleaded guilty to kidnapping Stephanie, unlawfully imprisoning her and demanding a £175,000 ransom. 34. Now he is being tried for kidnapping, wrongful imprisonment and bodily injury. 35. The agent was first charged with rape and kidnapping, according to Human Rights Watch. 36. Some are suspected but not yet charged with the kidnapping of high-tech executives, authorities said. 37. Tyree crops up throughout the novels, kidnapping errant tourists and taking them on brutal re-education treks. 38. Violent incidents such as kidnapping and sabotage dropped sharply last year. 39. The formula includes the obvious, such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and so on. 40. With memories of his recent kidnapping,[/kidnapping.html] Winstanley included a moveable chute to discharge stones towards any enemy. 41. Threats, violence, kidnapping; enough to leave Prunella aghast and anxious. 42. Unfortunately, the onset of severe flight conditions had stopped Myeloski from continuing his discussion with Duncan about the kidnapping. 43. Casabona, of no fixed address, denies kidnapping, attempted murder and administering poison with intent on March 20 last year. 44. Davis also faces three other special circumstances in connection with the murder charge: kidnapping, burglary and robbery. 45. The charges against Abu Bakr and 113 of his followers included murder, kidnapping and the illegal possession of arms and ammunition. 46. But kidnapping as an income source is an increasingly popular and frightening practice. 47. Mrs Mandela was jailed for six years on kidnapping and assault charges but released on bail pending a yet-to-be-heard appeal. 48. Duarte is thought to be the mastermind behind the kidnapping. 49. Alicia Silverstone plays an irascible rich girl who stages her own kidnapping to get attention from daddy. 50. The events and power struggles which engulf them result in kidnapping, jealousy and romance! 51. She has been accused of being an accomplice in the kidnapping. 52. Charges of child kidnapping are not covered by the presidential pardon. 53. Murder plots, for instance, and kidnapping schemes for giant ransoms. 54. What sort of kidnapping was this, with no ransom demand and no parents? 55. A week earlier, there was another kidnapping at a Happy Eater just outside Bicester. 56. The party that became notorious in the 1980s for bombing embassies and kidnapping foreigners is now preaching against rudeness. 57. Alicia Silverstone is a poor little rich girl and Benicio Del Toro is a car thief drawn into a kidnapping plot. 58. Meanwhile the kidnapping industry continued with a vengeance, effectively isolating Chechnya from the rest of the world. 59. Officers arrested Celso Rodriguez, 31, and Rachel Mendoza, 38, accusing them of kidnapping and extortion. 60. If we have evidence that an army officer is guilty of kidnapping and murder, then he will face justice.