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31. Thus the flower became known as the "Guardian Thistle" and out of gratitude a national emblem of Scotland. 32. December 1940, in the south - west of the establishment of Yutian Yutian a joint county Baoyu thistle. 33. Calculate the content of silymarin, in percentage, in the portion of Milk Thistle taken by adding the individual percentages. 34. Milk Thistle has a protective effect on the cell membrane which is mediated by a strong free radical scavenging and antioxidant action. 35. In 1045BC, it became the capital city of "Ji"(thistle) and Yan( swallow) seigneur countries. 36. Ming Hyobuyou shi lang, thistle Liaoning Governor Germany have troops there forever. 37. Skinning any Winterspring Ice Thistle yetis may now result in Thick Yeti Fur. 38. Fight the signs of ageing with this revolutionary formulation combining rejuvenating oils of Carrot and Rosehip with protective botanicals of Lady's Thistle and Aloe Vera. 39. If the brain sows not corn , it plants thistle. 40. Detox Activation? cleansing formula includes magnesium hydroxide, milk thistle, and beneficial cleansing botanicals all in one product for a faster and more gentle cleanse. 41. Theophilus Thistle , the successful thistle - sifter, sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb. 42. Bees moved , humming thoughtfully , from scarlet poppy to purple thistle. 43. If Theophilus Thistles, where is the sieve of unsifted thistles Theophilus Thistle, the thistle - sifter, sifted? 44. Silibinin, a drug derived from milk thistle, destroys lung cancer in mice, investigators at the University of Colorado, Denver report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 45. Echinacea purpurea root, Kola leaf, Milk Thistle seed , Cleaver herb , Nettle leaf, Burdock root , Rosehip shells. 46. The man made up his mind to grasp the thistle firmly. 47. From the above evidence it appears that milk thistle is very helpful in cases of acute mushroom poisoning. 48. I take fenugreek capsules and blessed thistle capsules together and find them excellent for increasing my milk supply. 49. And away they all flew like the down a thistle. 50. Blessed Thistle has long been used by women to balance out hormonal changes. It is believed to ease menstrual cramps and can also help increase milk supply in breastfeeding women. 51. Some of the most common ingredients in these natural breast enhancement pills, aside from fenugreek and fennel, are Blessed Thistle and Dong Quai. 52. Theophilus Thistle , the successful thistle - sifter, Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb. 53. The heads of this Thistle formerly were eaten , boiled , treated like those of the Artichoke. 54. The grass pushing up on my seat, the scraggly thistle stem rubbing my shirt, the brown-breasted swallow swooping downhill: they are a single thing stretching out in many directions. 55. I took milk thistle, vitamin E and Vitamin C every day. 56. Milk thistle has no major hepatotoxic effects, and N-acetylcysteine, an agent used to attenuate acetaminophen-mediated hepatotoxicity, is also unlikely to be a factor in his illness. 57. The Blessed Thistle herb is a safe ingredient and is approved by the Commission E in Germany as a treatment for indigestion and loss of appetite. 58. Since the thistle is a composite plant, each of the pink projections is an individual flower. 59. But the wild beasts of the Lebanon passed by and trampled the thistle down. 60. Milk Thistle: Milk thistle has been reported to have protective effects on the liver and to greatly improve its function.