快好知 kuaihz

1. The men are hidebound and reactionary. 2. The reactionary officer then ordered him arrested. 3. The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd. 4. The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement. 5. The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife. 6. They forced thousands of peasants into their reactionary armies. 7. The reactionary troops are being hit everywhere. 8. Critics viewed him as a reactionary. 9. The reactionary rule is doomed. 10. This threw the reactionary police into utter panic. 11. Reactionary forces/elements in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency.. 12. The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising. 13. Reactionary politicians voted against the proposal. 14. But the reactionary left rejected change, to the present detriment of those it claims to represent. 15. Other reactionary politicians vie to appropriate historical symbols of pre-communist antiquity. 16. That Ptolemy was a conservative, even a reactionary in certain respects, is undeniable. 17. Conveyancing is a reactionary adversarial system-and in the main it stinks. 18. We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known. 19. Admittedly, Lewis Namier was reactionary by temperament, but was his influence on historiography also reactionary? 20. This appears reactionary because Freud states it in such general, ahistorical terms. 21. Cultural attitudes to women were more reactionary than in most of Western Europe. 22. First, consider the reactionary popular culture in which this debate is taking place. 23. It grew ever more clear to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary, too blinkered. 24. Some of the labour leaders were also questioned by the reactionary police. 25. It is a patchwork of well-tested rules, long-forgotten power struggles, and reactionary humbug. 26. What it would put a stop to is the reactionary policy of subordinating the revolutionary vanguard to the national bourgeoisie. 27. Is reading the romance a politically progressive or politically reactionary move? 28. What is needed is not a liberalism that merely responds in dusty fashion, which is to say, the reactionary left. 29. The Cathedral of the Assumption on Red Square had been demolished along with other redundant relics of reactionary religion. 30. The seventy year old president has been condemned as reactionary by his radical opponents.