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market share造句
181, Far more important was that their market share was plunging. 182, Companies adhere to the export trade, domestic trade subsidiary business philosophy, and constantly expand international market share again, at the same time, domestic oil market are also increases. 183, Through the implementation of development strategy, Liaoning Subbranch of CCB will make a rapid growth on the banking intermediary business, in order to expand the market share. 184, These private brands commodity gradually enlarge the market share. This stream plays an important role to marketing decision and maintains buyer's loyalty of chain supermarkets and manufacturers. 185, You have to make that marginal investment or your market share will go down if the recession doesn't arrive when you expect it. 186, The ability to be there ahead of everybody else and capture market share makes a big difference, of course. 187, Mr Hickey sees China's currency policy as part of "a mercantilist plan" to gain market share in the US. 188, How to maintain and expand market share in the fierce competition has become the company's key issues in strategic decision-making. 189, First movers. First movers can define the product offer, set standards and, most valuably, gain market share and brand awareness. 190, If you don't have a goal (a corporate goal, a market share goal, a personal career goal, an athletic goal...) then you can just do your best. 191, Market saturation in OECD countries, high shipping costs and efforts by automakers to gain market share by locating production where they sell have encouraged these trends. 192, Attained 65 % market share for glob top epoxy in Hong Kong and the PRC. 193, Automatically read a variety of software market share data, the elimination of manual entry of trouble. 194, When the direct price is not lower than the wholesale price, an equilibrium solution can be found even if the market share is smaller. 195, Sanyo, for instance, enjoys a higher market share for its white goods in the fast-growing economies of south-east Asia than it does in Japan. 196, This in turn is almost certainly one of the factors behind Google's loss of market share in China, where its use rate accounts for less than 25%, a slide of several percentage points since 2005. 197, Over-emphasize shortcomings and ignore market share of auto parts industry will only make, because companies piaffe without effective methods in before the way only limited otherwise. 198, Gone are the days of freewheeling growth built on unprofitable expansion designed to flood markets and capture market share. 199, Yes, Apple has always held that market share didn't matter as much as profitability, but that attitude seemed increasingly like a defensive self-justification as its market share bottomed near 3%. 200, If they are right, and the current rules favor sellers over buyers, they will gain market share. 201, Basically, the technology can improve the productivity, and make a market share for new products. 202, In terms of the company's scale and market share in the market, it will compete as a price taker or a price maker. 203, The opportunity for Africa is actually looking at other parts of the world that are struggling as a result of established alternatives to capture market share and leaping on that. 204, Comparing with the similar cars in the country, the minicar takes the biggest market share. 205, But its market share is reaching saturation point , especially given Japan shrinking population. 206, Even a busy period can only get 30% market share. 207, High Fructose Corn Syrup another product market share of nearly two years about 10 %. 208, Main production is prevented south the filament breed such as cloth, taffeta, own fair market share. 209, GAZP.MM), the state-controlled group, $1.5 billion in lost revenues, not to mention the damage to its reputation and the loss of market share that resulted. 210, To win greater market share, the commercial banks have reduced car loan " threshold. "