快好知 kuaihz

61, The embalmers' perfume filled the room, tinged with a slight sourness which smelt repellent. 62, The cigarettes people smoked smelt different as well and his policeman's nose told him they were not all honest virginia. 63, Tropical forests are also destroyed to make way for the hydro-electric plants to smelt bauxite - used in aluminum cans. 64, A door banged and he felt the vibration of footsteps and smelt cigarette smoke. 65, The gloomy cluttered shop always smelt of black spanish and hot blackcurrant juice and strong bitter-sweet sarsaparilla. 66, He complained that my titles were vague and pretentious, and smelt of the blue-stocking. 67, It smelt of camphor as if the old clothes hanging on the racks had just been taken out of ancient chests. 68, The first time I met this creature she was an unlettered half-caste peasant who smelt of stale sweat and dead chickens. 69, The coffee smelt and tasted rich, quite unlike the freeze-dried brand she used at home. 70, Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.Josh Billings 71, The room smelt stale and musty with the pungent odour of the fat tallow candles placed on the desk. 72, They had been salted away in mothballs and smelt of naphthalene. 73, The room was shuttered and smelt of oily rags and leather. 74, Standing so close he smelt the fusty clothes and a sour whiff on the old man's breath. 75, In fact Auguste and Sid were the only volunteers and even Auguste had second thoughts as he smelt them on the gridiron. 76, She smelt the newness of his clothes, his tweed jacket, the soft shirt, the corduroys. 77, For a start, I smelt your spoor on her when we danced together at the wedding. 78, Coal was used to smelt the steel for the tinplate and petrol to transport all the parts and goods. 79, I smelt the sour odour of sweaty robes and noticed a brazier of gleaming charcoal had been rolled in. 80, And also with horror, for she had never sat close to men who smelt before. 81, Marcus Small Ward Two had turned acute medical, but it smelt like a plaster theatre. 82, And the whole lot smelt - a pervasive stench of damp and mildew. 83, I stroked his lovely velvety pelt and smelt his warm meaty breath. 84, In the passage she encountered the man who always smelt of meat on the turn. 85, As he approached it, the non-existent waves under his feet became clammy and smelt unpleasantly of chemicals. 86, Nurse smelt of toothpaste and disinfectant, and crackled when she moved because her clothes were so stiffly starched. 87, She smelt like a rose too, the old woman thought. 88, The scare began just after 5am when some one smelt acid as a freight train pulled into the station. 89, I felt the velvet drapes and smelt the turpentine but loathed the girlish shoes I had to pose in. 90, She was a big, soft, loving woman with endless energy, who smelt of cough medicine and laundry.