快好知 kuaihz

91. Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black. 92. The record has been in the Top Ten for three weeks. 93. They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery. 94. When you reach the top of the hill, bear to the right. 95. He has never before featured in the top ten world rankings. 96. Few of the trainee footballers make it to the top. 97. When my father learned that I had smashed a fender on the car, he blew his top. 98. We were huffing and puffing by the time we'd climbed to the top of the hill. 99. He ran up the slope to the top of the hill. 100. A box has a top, a bottom and four sides. 101. Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture. 102. There is a row of spikes on top of the prison wall to prevent the prisoners escaping. 103. Spain's top priority is the signing of an EMU treaty. 104. From Poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain. 105. It was a stiff climb to the top of the hill. 106. He climbed to the top of the tree and then became afraid to get down. 107. When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site. 108. This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile. 109. The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking. 110. From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects. 111. I felt dizzy when I looked down from the top of the television tower. 112. The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother. 113. The top of the tree is level with his bedroom window. 114. Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages. 115. Write your name, address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page. 116. The sun was rising when we got to the top of the mountain. 117. The boy pulled himself to the top of the wall and looked over. 118. Put your name in brackets at the top of each page. 119. We had to stop for breath before we got to the top. 120. The young man works his way up to the top.