快好知 kuaihz

121, The man who shared her apartment was surly, unfriendly, and always complaining about the lifts and the garbage disposal. 122, Eighteen days after discharge from hospital he was readmitted as an emergency complaining of epigastric pain and vomiting for 24 hours. 123, A letter to the chairman from Miss Bangham complaining of the misbehaviour of members of the youth club. 2. 124, Eighteen months on, some head teachers are complaining that inspectors are fulfilling their duties with a zeal which smacks of prejudice. 125, Jenny's always complaining that her boss gives her too much work. 126, Lowry, cackling and scratching, is a hoot as the rooster who lords it over the complaining hens in his roost. 127, In the course of things, some drivers already have quit, complaining of long hours, inadequate pay and poor organization. 128, Wednesday Dad has started complaining about the school holidays early this year. 129, He was admitted to hospital complaining of severe stomach pains. 130, Lewis-Ann sat under a huge umbrella, fully clothed, complaining bitterly about being too hot. 131, I drafted a letter to the publisher, complaining about the offending sentence. 132, It is not unusual for new mothers to go to the doctor complaining of tiredness, lethargy, and mild depression. 133, At midnight Stubb sits down to eat, complaining to the cook that the meat is overdone. 134, Many years later we would hear her still complaining about this. 135, Complaining is dangerous business. It can damage or even destroy your relationship with God, your relationships with other people, and even with your relationship with yourself.Joyce Meyer 136, The mindset is to go after the person complaining, as opposed to the issue. 137, Frustrations ran high, with fans and journalists banging on windows and excitedly complaining to transportation volunteers during the busing debacle. 138, Which shows that it is worth complaining instead of just accepting a raw deal. 139, He is always complaining about having to flog electric storage heaters anyway. 140, They should quit complaining and just get on with their job! 141, You might start complaining that all these changes are happening too rapidly for comfort. 142, Even more amazing, Elsie, who had been getting in touch with her previously repudiated strengths, stopped complaining for the day. 143, In October a former Minister, Charles Fiterman, withdrew formally from conference preparations, complaining about lack of internal democracy. 144, A month later, however, she returned, complaining of discomfort from the lesion and still awaiting her clinic appointment. 145, Hamlin wrote a letter to the council, complaining about the incident. 146, I will not be as those who spend the day in complaining of headache, and the night in drinking the wine that gives it.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 147, The people are more expansive in their complaining, but their words merely combine elements by now all too familiar. 148, She returned to the hospital in the early hours of Saturday 4 July complaining of increased chest pains. 149, The noise echoes throughout the usually serene hills surrounding Potrero, but few people are complaining about the commotion. 150, Tony nursed his wife through her long illness without ever complaining.