快好知 kuaihz

61. Fibrinolytic therapy with streptokinase is less efficacious than previously believed. 62. Reactive power optimization and reactive power compensation in electric power systems are the efficacious means to elevate operation voltage, reduce power loss, and increase the stability level. 63. The pearl is efficacious in protecting human face from infringement freckle or speckle. 64. The formulation of witch culture in Yi district, is based on the folk primitive faith of Yi, an organic whole of worshipping the ancestor, nature, totemism and efficacious things. 65. The operation practice indicated that the remining of placer gold in Laozuoshan Gold Mine was efficacious. 66. Transgenic plant-derived vaccine developed in recent years, and ompare with other vaccines, it's cheaper, safer and more efficacious, and become important in vaccin research. 67. First, has IHD become safer and more efficacious with contemporary dialytic techniques? 68. Conclusions Rotator incision is a safe, simple, efficacious incision technique in the endourethral surgery for urethratresia, and scar electrosectomy is essential for successsful outcome. 69. There is another efficacious method for subduing the most obstinate, contumacious sinner. 70. The ancestral prescription is said to be efficacious against renal weakness. 71. Conclusion The dorsal lumbar incision is a safe and efficacious approach suitable for pyeloplasty, simple nephrectomy or renal biopsy. 72. He got a phylactery from the temple, which was said to be very efficacious. 73. Conclusion Antegrade compression interlocking nails and SMC, combined with iliac autograft, can provide an efficacious technique for treatment of nonunion of femoral inferior segment.