快好知 kuaihz

1. He was a writer of repute. 2. My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany. 3. My parents were artists of repute . 4. Under his stewardship[/repute.html], the UN's repute has risen immeas-urably. 5. She is a writer of international repute. 6. Many specialized institutions now equal the university in repute. 7. He has little repute as an academic. 8. I know him only by repute. 9. My father was held in high repute by his colleagues. 10. Furness wool was of good repute. 11. Ramsay knew her by repute only and had been looking forward to seeing her in person. 12. A mountaineer of repute, whether local or not, is conspicuous by his or her absence. 13. By repute, it was a goose that laid a golden egg. 14. Are you acquainted if only by repute with a Mr Landor who is a poet? 15. This repute seemed to give the new managers the confidence to approach their bosses as resources. 16. Irene was sent to a house of ill repute, but remained pure. 17. Its generic repute is sildenafil citrate. 18. Some of the theatres are in bad repute. 19. He is held in high repute. 20. His Wessex - wide repute was among them alone. 21. The wine is in high repute worldwide. 22. Linda works in a house of ill repute. 23. She was crying in the Qi of good repute. 24. Round 1900 his repute was still untarnished. 25. They are a company of good repute and have large financial reserves. 26. This short story was published by two journals of repute. 27. He was taller than me, handsome, an athlete of repute. 28. Both universities have medical schools, hospitals, clinics and research centers of worldwide repute. 29. Such was the alleged power of Mary's relics, and the repute of Vezelay in Christian Europe, that Bernard of Claircaux preached the Second Crusade from this basilica in 1146. 30. Delia was studying under Rosenstock ? you know his repute as a disturber of the piano keys.