快好知 kuaihz

91. George has tried stimulating the right temporal lobe while showing patients such actors' faces depicting a standard emotion like disgust. 92. I can imagine his making love to me and it doesn't disgust me. 93. Mrs Arkaday came to the screen door and shook her head in disgust at Howard. 94. Manson was suitably impressed and strongly identified with Hari-George's sentiments of disgust. 95. "I'm not eating it," Maria said, with an expression of disgust on her face. 96. The middle class either colluded or went abroad in disgust. 97. He shook his head in disgust at his own overwrought imagination. 98. As the long silence lengthened between them Laura desperately tried to find some adequate words to express her disgust at his actions. 99. Lassitude and shame and a dreamy disgust provide the medium for these transactions. 100. Uttering a cry of disgust, Dauntless leapt forward and dragged Cleo up by the arm. 101. But he recoiled in disgust when she came near him. 102. The first of the two should send shivers of disgust up your spine. 103. Now we solaced our brow on the porcelain, and emitted a few sour gasps of disgust. 104. They did prove, to Morrison's evident disgust, that Thompson and Venables had known the difference between right and wrong. 105. The by-election provided a timely opportunity for even the least politically-minded people to express their disgust at the Munich settlement. 106. I pick one up to examine it - then drop it in disgust. 107. As a passionate Vijay bends over to kiss his bride, she pulls away in disgust. 108. Much to William Pitt's disgust Cator sold the bond by public auction to a solicitor called Yates. 109. Firebug went back to his corner, exhaling with disgust and looking out his window. 110. Aunt Tossie's body, inside the floating black clothes, filled her with a sad disgust. 111. Golota looked fine after the fight as he stood in his corner, shaking his head in disgust. 112. Afterwards, he made her go and rest again,[www.] much to her disgust and outrage. 113. She noticed with disgust that there were several droplets of blood on the patent leather. 114. Disgust at cruel sports has come to be a common feature of British life. 115. A nose wrinkle, with nostrils flaring backwards: betrays annoyance or disgust. 116. But it is impossible to continue writing in that vein without a feeling of disgust. 117. I watched his face as he blinked rapidly and he looked at me in disgust, or was it disbelief? 118. His end-zone dances inspire delight among Dallas honks and disgust among purists and Cowboy-haters. 119. Finally it was Alexei who made a noise, which might have indicated either disgust or anger, then brushed past. 120. I see them every day and familiarity doesn't breed contempt so much as disgust in me.