快好知 kuaihz

1. Some people have a morbid fascination with crime. 2. His head was full of morbid thoughts. 3. He had a morbid fascination with blood. 4. She watched with morbid curiosity. 5. 'He might even die.' 'Don't be so morbid.' 6. He was disenthralled from morbid fantasies. 7. My mind was filled with morbid thoughts of death. 8. It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like. 9. The book is not as morbid as it sounds. 10. You're really morbid[/morbid.html], you are. 11. There's something morbid about my appetite, he thought. 12. Is it morbid fascination that holds your attention? 13. He walked quickly, his head full of morbid thoughts. 14. That had always struck me as pretty morbid, but this was the season of goodwill to all men. 15. But the film has a morbid elegance and an exotic lust for the jugular. 16. Writing a will is not evidence of a morbid preoccupation with death. 17. For inflammatory bowel disease the morbid risk varies with age. 18. For the students it becomes a period of morbid hibernation, lying low and waiting out the years. 19. Rather than jump to morbid conclusions, I let him cow me into accepting his version of the incident. 20. But do not get into the habit of morbid self-examination. 21. Miss Russell had a morbid fear of sunlight fading carpets and furnishings, so the curtains were half drawn as usual. 22. I didn't mind; it kept my thoughts off morbid fancies about Granny in her wooden box. 23. Le Fanu was not alone in experiencing a morbid convergence between his life and his imaginings. 24. The trip was made all the worse by Frankie's morbid fear of flying. 25. He wouldn't say why, just said it was one of his morbid moods. 26. Cairns and co focus on the oddities of human nature with a certain morbid curiosity. 27. We were to fly across, which suited me, as I had a morbid fear of being torpedoed at sea. 28. The pride he should be enjoying from his intellectual achievements is buried beneath his morbid obesity. 29. Ken particularly used to enjoy the murder trials - not for any morbid curiosity, but for the drama unfolding. 30. A father's self-confidence and certainty were transformed into disorientation, self-doubt and a morbid contemplation of death.