快好知 kuaihz

1. Night work can be very disruptive to home life. 2. He was expelled from school for disruptive behaviour. 3. Mike's parents thought I was a disruptive influence . 4. Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior. 5. A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class. 6. Long working hours are very disruptive to home life. 7. She was a disruptive influence, and after a year or two she got the boot. 8. His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class. 9. She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. 10. His disruptive behaviour was felt to be sufficient grounds for his expulsion. 11. There is the disruptive experiment, invented by Garfinkel himself. 12. Fred Clasper's disruptive plan had been well prepared. 13. Stephen's teacher said he was often disruptive in class. 14. They were not just inconvenient and disruptive, but sinful. 15. Today, smoking is really a disruptive habit. 16. And some talented people are simply disruptive. 17. For a child who is very disruptive, however, there is little to lose by trying a diet. 18. It can be very disruptive to the marriage if the two partners are in therapies with different basic philosophies. 19. I believe that too many school responses to disruptive behaviour are negative. 20. Can a school prohibit distribution of potentially disruptive union material? 21. Real-wage reductions are very difficult and disruptive if they have to take the form of lower money wages. 22. She'll be turfed out of the study group if she carries on being disruptive. 23. Mr Clarke also stressed the role of schools in combating juvenile crime and demanded more effective treatment of disruptive pupils. 24. This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration. 25. And since it is an evolving language, always changing its expressions, it is also a continually disruptive influence. 26. I argue along with T. J. Clark that Parisian modernism is most distinctive in terms of the disruptive force. 27. Many of those who feel they are achieving least, and are most disruptive in schools, would opt for early leaving. 28. I know their intention is not to hurt the Coliseum, but something like this is disruptive and hurtful to that end. 29. Whenever I ask teachers and trainee teachers to respond to two questions about disruptive behaviour: What did you feel? 30. It could only seem so to those who see sexuality as something essentially disruptive, invading, and dangerous.