快好知 kuaihz

1. She's got the gift of the gab - she should work in sales and marketing. 2. Jo has always had the gift of the gab . 3. He had the gift of the gab, which one training officer described as the main prerequisite. 4. I hate it when people gab in movie theaters. 5. Skinski was a warm member with the gab. 6. You have the gift of gab. 7. Define a standard without clarity, what gab. 8. She has the gift of the gab. 9. Doch gab es einen Film , den sie mochten. 10. With his gift of the gab, he should make an excellent politician. 11. While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab , Gemini are notoriously bad listeners. 12. Ach, gab es nicht einen Athleten, der sechs Goldmedaillen bekommen hat? 13. Don't hang around here and gab . Get yourself home, quick. 14. With his gift of gab, he should make an excellent politician. 15. The adaptability of modified GAB to other agricultural products will be studied further. 16. I think most Americans have the gift of gab on many occasions. 17. Eine seri & ouml ; se Auseinandersetzung gab es nicht. 18. Die Prinzessin? gab ihm einen Kuss. Trotzdem war der Frosch sehr h ? sslich. 19. In Singapur leben viele Volksgruppen, fr ü her gab es hier heftige Ausschreitungen. 20. Es gab au & szlig ; erhalb der Kl & ouml; ster keine einzige Schule und keinerlei Gesundheitsversorgung. 21. They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab. 22. It arrived in our town by word of mouth and crackled like wildfire through the grapevine of gab and gossip. 23. The key - note speaker certainly have the gift of gab. 24. Witty conversationalists and story tellers, they do have the gift of gab. 25. I want to know how to have the gift of gab. 26. Ich bat Mrs. Hubbard , die Amerikanerin, um ein paar Aspirin, die sie gab. 27. The young cheap - Jack had got the gift of gab. 28. No, though I must admit you do seem to have the gift of gab. 29. Smith have made a good salesman , he has the gift of the gab. 30. LII The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab and my loitering.