快好知 kuaihz

1, The crowd babble of the traffic accident. 2, I heard the babble of many voices. 3, Don't babble the secret to them. 4, I can't listen to his constant babble. 5, Have you heard the babble of running water? 6, The babble of voices in the next compartment annoyed all of us. 7, There was a babble of languages in the commentary box when the race began. 8, They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar. 9, Migrants came in waves with their babble of tongues. 10, I crashed into a babble of baby talk. 11, They were strange words, syllables in an animal babble. 12, Babble of voices below - a man's voice calling for quiet. 13, The reforms deserve something better than the babble that has followed them from birth. 14, The babble of conversation was punctuated by the chink of bottles against glasses. 15, I know I have been reduced to a babble of disconnected comments, which don't really say much. 16, She talked in a babble like the babble of birds, that ghost from the sea,[http:///babble.html] that white she-ghost. 17, Their excited babble and their laughter carried far - the cacophony that ruined many a good hunt. 18, How to often brush vi babble to return nigrescent ah? 19, To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate. 20, The heavy smells , the foreign babble , the garish multitudinous signs in a strange alphabet, dizzied him. 21, I heard, even over the babble of the crowd, a sharp, shocked intake of breath. 22, Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices. 23, As the happy couple took their places there was a stir and a rising babble behind them. 24, Managers must steer a middle course between political correctness and political babble. 25, It was tinged with panic too for finally he could only babble again and again how sorry he was. 26, The man was remarkably easy to terrify, but for how long did that overcome his propensity to babble? 27, Gilbert waited for the lightning strike that would finally find them, and began to babble a hopeless prayer. 28, One only hopes that Watt was influenced by the excited voices around him at ringside rather than the babble in his headset. 29, A spontaneous cheer went round the ship, followed by a babble of talk as everyone relaxed. 30, Then there's nothing but the implacable, soul-less beat, and a subdued babble of shudders and metallic gasps.