快好知 kuaihz

1. Whatever may betide, maintain your courage. 2. Woe betide him if he does evils. 3. Woe betide anyone who wakes the baby! 4. Woe betide anyone who smokes in our house! 5. Woe betide anyone who arrives late! 6. Woe betide anyone who gets in her way! 7. Woe betide anyone who got in his way. 8. The omens betide better results. 9. If she answered back, woe betide her. 10. But woe betide the culprit who trespasses on the wrong side of 50. 11. Keith will play with Amy but woe betide her if she does not hand him toys, her food etc. 12. That rule was immutable, and woe betide anyone who disregarded it. 13. Woe betide anyone who is foolish enough to leave his rod unattended when barbel fishing. 14. Woe betide anyone who was untidy or out of step on one of the marches. 15. But woe betide the tight-fisted villager who tries to take advantage. 16. But woe betide you if you make your splash with a financial killing or by getting a huge advance. 17. Woe betide those Empire knights when they tangle with the Night Goblin fanatics! 18. She has a sharp cutting edge and woe betide the Europhile who treads on her toes. 19. Whate'er betide , maintain your courage. 20. Mournful that no new wonder may betide. 21. Such omens betide no good. 22. Woe betide him if he's late! 23. We shall remain friends whatever may betide. 24. This is the second time he's been sent home from school this week, so woe betide him if it happens again! 25. A short, dumpy lady shaped rather like a cottage loaf, she seldom smiled and woe betide anyone not paying attention. 26. Bullying and overpowering, he believed that might was right and woe betide anyone who stood in his way. 27. The teacher would call us up to the front of the class to recite it, and woe betide anyone who faltered. 28. She patrolled the aisles like a gaoler and woe betide you if that heavy tread stopped at your desk. 29. Everything was meant to have been thought out and planned, and woe betide any signs of undue excitement or stress. 30. The rules and regulations of her domain are established, and woe betide members of the household who break them.