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(1) 'GMT' stands for Greenwich Mean Time. (2) The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars. (3) The prime meridian of longitude is in Greenwich, South London. (4) Jack was a folk hero in the Greenwich Village bars. (5) He decided to cut across the Heath, through Greenwich Park. (6) Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism. (7) Charles Greenwich London Are you pulling my leg? (8) Served as a scoutmaster in Greenwich and Dallas. (9) He now lives alone in a flat in Greenwich. (10) Conveniently located near the Greenwich foot tunnel. (11) On 28 August, he ratified the Greenwich treaties. (12) At the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village eight cops moved in for another raid on a gay bar. (13) He supervised operations from a large warehouse at Greenwich on the Thames, whence he supplied the metropolitan market in particular. (14) Greenwich Village, the part of New York which stays up all night and starts waking up around midday. (15) You could have set Greenwich Mean Time by the great vaudeville comedians. (16) Mr Schofield usually went round at twelve o'clock Greenwich Mean Time rewinding and resetting. (17) All over Greenwich and down into Deptford and along in Woolwich, people were protesting at the sudden heat. (18) Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian. (19) British Summer Time is one hour in advance of Greenwich Mean Time. (20) By age 16 he was playing professionally with bands in Greenwich Village. (21) This fact is recorded on a building in Eastgate where a plaque marks the exact point of the Greenwich Meridian. (22) The proceeds of the issue will be used to buy up to 76 residential properties in Greenwich. (23) Richard lived in a single-room occupancy, a holdover from the twenties, when Greenwich Village was filled with writers and artists. (24) I think I settled upon this last gesture as my train stopped at Greenwich this morning. (25) Nice, laid-back, old pub, with no pretensions. Conveniently located near the Greenwich foot tunnel. (26) As Koons shows the photos to me during an interview in his Greenwich Village apartment, I feel embarrassed for him. (27) Shortly after the appearance of the article in Marxism Today, Labour lost a by-election in Greenwich. (28) Some local authorities have been very effective at this - in Greenwich, people who registered were entered in a prize draw. (29) We have urged him to legislate to reverse the Greenwich judgment, so that priority is again given to children of our borough. (30) An illegal establishment on MacDougal Street, right in the heart of Greenwich Village.