快好知 kuaihz

resort to造句
1 One has sometimes to resort to these little devices. 2 His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs. 3 If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to strike action. 4 She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems. 5 Many teachers and students resort to Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation. 6 We may have to resort to using untrained staff. 7 Neither side wants to resort to violence . 8 They felt obliged to resort to violence. 9 We had to resort to desperate measures . 10 He urged people not to resort to retaliatory violence. 11 Officials fear that extremists may resort to violence . 12 Vets have had to resort to killing the animals. 13 He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence. 14 The conference resolved to resort to force to recover the lost territory. 15 The best means we should resort to is to build a long dam along the river. 16 The peasants believed their only choice was to resort to violence. 17 Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children. 18 I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money. 19 Don't resort to cheap copies; save up for the real thing. 20 In the end,[www.] we had to resort to brute force to get the door open. 21 He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating. 22 It's pathetic that grown men have to resort to violence like this. 23 Don't resort to alcohol to relieve your stress. 24 Finally, the King could resort to borrowing. 25 Extremists on both sides resort to violence. 26 They can resort to Byzantine, even Machiavellian manipulations. 27 He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug. 28 We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resort to force. 29 There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence. 30 Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.