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61. He had also been to Appalachia to expose the depth of rural poverty in America, and had made an amazing trip to South Africa, where he challenged young people to fight apartheid. 62. Sanctions against South Africa were announced by President Reagan to protest that countrys policy of apartheid. 63. In the 1980s, Kennedy worked to end apartheid in South Africa, meeting with Bishop Desmond Tutu, Winnie Mandela (then the wife of the jailed Nelson Mandela) and the South African Cabinet. 64. Even the racialist find it difficult to make out a case for apartheid. 65. That decision led to sanctions against apartheid South Africa and eventual independence for Namibia. 66. Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim, strolling up and down 47th Street, in their dirty gabardine, with their dandruff, selling South African apartheid diamonds. 67. Cultural wealth is also in abundance, with a host of interesting museums including the Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hill and the world acclaimed Soweto. 68. Gordimer's position,[www.] that of the white South African opposing apartheid — a minority within a minority — has led to strong emotions and occasional suppression. 69. In the apartheid days all were united in their struggle for freedom. 70. "Gender apartheid is the best word to describe the situation in Saudi Arabia," wrote blogger Eman al-Nafjan. 71. Of all the misconceptions about her work, the one that riles Gordimer the most is that, while writing under apartheid, she felt obliged to use her fiction for liberal agitprop. 72. Commentary on the video in the Afrikaans language included sarcastic references to the university's policy of integrating the campus dormitories years after the end of apartheid in 1994. 73. Mutombo: I went to South Africa in 1992 and learned about apartheid. 74. All attempts to bolster up apartheid are bound to fail. 75. Here, the prisoners of South Africa's Apartheid regime, including Nelson Mandela, broke rocks in a quarry as punishment for opposing racial segregation. 76. Another problem is the continued effect of racial segregation under apartheid. 77. Sun City became the subject of considerable controversy in 1985 when E Street Band guitarist Steven Van Zandt made it the focus of his music-industry activist group, Artists United Against Apartheid. 78. De facto apartheid is still operational even in the & quot ; new & quot ; african nations. 79. Based on the true story of a black girl who was born to two white Afrikaner parents in South Africa during the apartheid era. 80. Mo Shaik, about whom there is no suggestion of corruption, was an underground intelligence agent for the African National Congress when it was battling the apartheid regime. 81. This is the effect of apartheid in terms of the society. 82. Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing the apartheid administration. 83. Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing the apartheid administration. The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony. 84. The DA is regularly decried by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) as a white supremacist organisation bent on bringing back apartheid. 85. But the ANC retains an apartheid - era distrust of the private sector.