快好知 kuaihz

1) Stop being such a snob. 2) Don't be such a snob. 3) He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you. 4) She was a snob of the first order. 5) This car sells well because of its snob value. 6) She's the most awful snob. 7) She protested strongly at being called a snob. 8) That kind of car has real snob appeal . 9) She was an intellectual snob. 10) That Rous was a snob and a social climber could scarcely be denied. 11) He's a bit of a snob won't speak to the likes of me. 12) I'm afraid I'm a bit of a wine snob/a snob where wine is concerned. 13) I don't want to sound like a snob, but I thought she was vulgar. 14) There is a snob value in driving the latest model. 15) He's a dreadful snob. 16) She's such a snob! 17) She did not want to cultivate the snob image. 18) These berries even have snob appeal. 19) I had developed into a cynical snob. 20) My mother was such a snob she wouldn't let me play with the local children. 21) I don't want to sound a snob but I thought it vulgar. 22) I don't want to sound like a snob, but I found the decor vulgar. 23) Lawler was renowned as a snob which was in total contrast to his wife. 24) They call me a snob and other really mean names like that. 25) Going to a private school had made her a snob. 26) I'd hate them to put me down as a snob. 27) This part of the town has a lot of snob appeal. 28) And I had to say yes, because I didn't want to be called a snob too. 29) Three university researchers say they now have a surprising answer: snob appeal. 30) Warren is from an upper middleclass Connecticut family; he's a bit of a snob.