快好知 kuaihz

1. The economy is showing signs of faltering. 2. Jane walked boldly up to the platform without faltering. 3. The economy shows no signs of faltering. 4. She took a few faltering steps. 5. I canfeel my legs faltering. 6. She walked up to the platform without faltering. 7. This legislation is designed to stimulate the faltering economy. 8. His business is faltering. 9. Leaning on Jon, Michael took faltering steps to the bathroom. 10. The peace talks seem to be faltering. 11. She seemed uneasy, greeting him with a faltering voice. 12. With faltering steps, the old lady left the office. 13. These soldiers dogged our faltering steps. 14. The third section looks at the faltering progress towards integrated services. 15. This, and faltering output, has meant a rise in unit costs. 16. The books deals with the faltering start and near-total collapse of the Stanton Democratic primary campaign. 17. His faltering authority was demonstrated in December when an extensive Cabinet reshuffle was forced upon him by factional leaders. 18. Laundry hangs like wilted wildflowers over faltering balconies, and clusters of trash skitter up windswept drives. 19. Their economic programs were also faltering, and they felt that they might benefit from trade with the West. 20. Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering. 21. The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy. 22. Bryant hit 13 of 19 shots through three quarters before faltering in the fourth. 23. As if she were being asked to walk across a sheet of ice, and with every step her confidence was faltering. 24. Blood being thicker than water, he repeated, word for faltering word, everything his brother Henry had stated. 25. I spend much of my time at the shops; wandering through the aisles, faltering, never knowing what to buy. 26. Adults fear for children, but their fears seem to seep out of the cracks in their own faltering lives. 27. Corimon said yesterday it would sell all of its foreign operations and seek debt restructuring to turn its faltering business around. 28. Many formal and informal approaches have been instituted to prevent ideas from faltering. 29. He'd made a good start but now he was faltering, and the focus of attention was drifting slowly away from him. 30. Jack drove the car as near as he could towards the station building and switched off the faltering engine.