快好知 kuaihz

31 Lure or drag sb. into the mire or wrong doings. 32 Drama, as Bharatamuni says, is the imitation of men and their doings ( lota -vritti). 33 Its secluded leisure had something mysterious about it; one played about, or did as one liked and had not to render an account of one's doings. 34 You could not take up a newspaper, English, Scotch, or Irish, without finding in it one or more references to the "vest-pocket million-pounder" and his latest doings and saying. 35 Their doings will not suffer them to return unto their God; for the spirit of harlotry is within them, and they know not the LORD. 36 Talking with his daughter, the old man was the forgiver of the girl's past doings. 37 This mystery was its only claim to be awe-inspiring, for as a matter of fact there was nothing in our deliberations or doings of which government or people need have been afraid. 38 Originally the celebration was a song in chorus telling of the doings of the God. 39 Own up to your wrong - doings and save yourself a lot of trouble. 40 Own up to your wrong - doings and save yourself a lot of troubles. 41 Talking with his daughter, the old man was the forgiver of the girl's past wrong doings. 42 I could never hope to equal my own doings at Randalls. 43 In the past OFCs have indeed permitted various dodgy doings. 44 Although most Poles seem to believe that wealth is a sign of past lawbreaking, they disliked even more the heavy-handed, selective and publicity-hungry doings of the new anti-corruption agency. 45 The old man was forgiver of the young man's past wrong doings. 46 They are a band of gangsters whose evil doings know no limits. 47 You will have to answer for your wrong doings one day. 48 He kept this impassioned doings a secret almost from himself. 49 And the white - handed is not clean in the doings of the felon. 50 Marcel Duchamp's doings are very similar to Koan of Zend Buddhism. 51 Each day he could read in the evening papers of the doings within this walled city. 52 He knew as though instinctively that they now took almost no interest in his doings.