快好知 kuaihz

1, Apparel makes the man. 2, She looked lovely, despite her strange apparel. 3, We sell a full range of sports apparel. 4, This shop sells sports apparel. 5, The store sells women's and children's apparel. 6, Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall models. 7, In the apparel industry, this is already happening. 8, More often apparel is grouped by color. 9, Department stores, apparel and accessory stores lost jobs during the October-December period. 10, Services added just 85, 000 and department stores, apparel and accessory stores lost jobs during the October-December period. 11, The $ 4. 76 billion footwear and apparel maker has penetrated nearly every sport in which participants wear sneakers. 12, Originally, they sold back-to-the-land products such as apparel in natural fabrics and wood-burning stoves. 13, How about wearing apparel for the feet, or the things Napoleon thought about the day he died? 14, This has led to some repatriation of the apparel industry from the Third World back to the First. 15, Even retailers that had bucked the grim apparel trend all year felt the December chill. 16, The specialty retailer of casual apparel said it also changed its fiscal year end to Jan. 31 from July 31. 17, This series apparel shows off the elegance and exoticism. 18, Apparel worn beneath outer garments; underclothing. 19, His obese figure arrayed in costly apparel. 20, I knew that poor people often save their best clothes, sometimes their only respectable apparel, for churchgoing. 21, And while they looked steadfastly at heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel. 22, Sears Roebuck bucked the largely bleak holiday sales trend, reporting significant increases in apparel sales. 23, Thus women who would never have considered donning this cumbersome apparel quickly saw that the chador conferred a kind of protection. 24, In many cases,[http:///apparel.html] Olympian designs serve as the basis for apparel that the average couch potato will be able to buy. 25, Most of the time she did look lovely, despite her apparel. 26, They draw stipends from the national federation and most players have apparel contracts. 27, Louis-based Edison Brothers Stores said it would close 473 apparel and shoe stores by Jan. 31. 28, The task force was formed following a spate of major scandals in the apparel industry. 29, The slowdown will result partly from sluggishness in nondurable sectors such as apparel and textiles. 30, The effort potentially could have a major impact on apparel industry working conditions worldwide.