快好知 kuaihz

61. The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline. 62. His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation. 63. He made his reputation as an actor playing villains. 64. He supplied food and clothing for his reputation. 65. She was young and pretty, with a spotless reputation. 66. She has a reputation for being calm and cool-headed. 67. Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived. 68. That nightclub has a good reputation for its cabaret. 69. His reputation was ruined by insinuation and rumour. 70. He was by reputation difficult to please. 70.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 71. The college acquired a reputation for very high standards. 72. He fought to salvage the company's reputation . 73. Librarians have a reputation for being difficult and unapproachable. 74. The company has a well-deserved reputation for being reliable. 75. He has a reputation as a political bruiser. 76. He has a fearsome reputation as a fighter. 77. The scandal has blemished her shining reputation. 78. They quickly developed a reputation for combativeness. 79. The events had stained the city's reputation unfairly. 80. I'm aware of Mark's reputation for being late. 81. She had an undeserved reputation for rudeness. 82. Such incidents do nothing for live music's reputation. 83. She has gained a reputation as a good communicator. 84. His reputation as a statesman is splendid. 85. Why is he always trying to vilify my reputation? 86. She is, by reputation, very difficult to please. 87. He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people. 88. Don't hazard your reputation by supporting that crook. 89. The army's actions dirtied its reputation. 90. He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising.