快好知 kuaihz

(1) He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung. (2) He was stung by a wasp. (3) He was stung by thousands of angry bees. (4) The nettles stung their legs. (5) He was stung by a bee. (6) I was stung on the arm by a wasp. (7) A bumblebee stung me on the cheek. (8) I got stung by a bee. (9) I was stung for a fiver. (10) A bee stung him. (11) A bee has stung my hand and it is swelling up. (12) His own army, stung by defeats, is mutinous. (13) I got stung by a wasp yesterday. (14) His words certainly stung . (15) A bee stung me on the cheek. (16) They stung him to make unremitting efforts. (17) Their taunts stung him to action/into fighting. (18) Her harsh words stung him into action. (19) Anger stung him into fighting. (20) He was stung into an angry retort. (21) He was stung into answering in his defence. (22) The boy was stung by a bee. (23) I got stung for a £100 meal. (24) Her insult stung him into making a rude reply. (25) He was stung for $200. (26) Their cruel remarks stung her into action. (27) His ears and fingers stung with cold. (28) The blowing sand stung his cheeks. (29) Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her. (30) I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!