快好知 kuaihz

stare at造句
1, It's impolite to stare at a girl. 2, It isn't good manners to stare at people. 3, It's rude to stare at other people. 4, Don't stare at people like that, it's rude. 5, His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine. 6, Don't stare at me. 7, It's bad manners to stare at people. 8, It's not good manners to stare at people. 9, Everyone in the room turned to stare at her. 10, She could only stare at him with pain in her eyes. 11, It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face. 12, He wanted to stare at a free sky. 13, Chris could only stare at the slowly moving ship. 14, Must any consciousness stare at its own navel? 15, Open-mouthed, Leith turned her head to stare at him. 16, I take out the picture and stare at it. 17, Eliza continued to stare at Bigelow. 18, Who stare at us with incredulous scorn. 19, Damian lifted his dark head to stare at her. 20, Romanov waved his hand as he continued to stare at the pre-war, faded photograph of the two men. 21, I stare at them and see her beautiful body, her long, slender neck and arms. 22, You can only stare at seemingly tame Dada graphics in nice little glass cabinets. 23, The reserve is so quiet that the animals stare at the monorail intently,[http:///stare at.html] making some visitors wonder who is on display. 24, She paused to stare at a wooden gate swinging crazily on its hinges. 25, They stop, Annie and the woman, and just stare at me. 26, There was a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen. 27, You are horrified, you can not think straight, as you stare at the broken body. 28, Alyssia refused to give in to any urge to stare at Piers, though she was sorely tempted. 29, The situation escalates as you pick up your favorite newspaper and stare at the headline. 30, You're not in prison - you don't have to stare at the walls.