快好知 kuaihz

hot potato造句
1 Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s. 2 The issue has become a political hot potato . 3 The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato. 4 He dropped the plan like a hot potato when he realized how much it would cost him. 5 The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States. 6 Euthanasia for terminally ill patients is a political hot potato. 7 And Ireland was the sort of hot potato a Bagshaw feared most. 8 It had become a political hot potato, and time ran out as backers bickered over what tests to run. 9 This situation is a real hot potato. 10 How to solve the problem is a hot potato. 11 The issue became a hot potato for the government. 12 The unemployment is a real hot potato. 13 He dropped the topic like a hot potato. 14 The subject of abortion become a political hot potato. 15 Money policy is fast becoming a hot potato. 16 It's a political hot potato. 17 Consequently the brain drain has become a hot potato which needs to solve. 18 However, the dollar is a hot potato, tasteless but wasteful to discard. 19 The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politicians around the world. 20 Ceding sovereignty to Europe is a political hot potato in Britain. 21 The confidence wasn't there . Once I started hot potato it wasn't there. 22 The tariff issue is a hot potato in our department; no one deals with it. 23 The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato. 24 That's when you see the Colonel and his council playing pass-the-parcel with a hot potato. 25 S . dollars . Bank chief executive officer Robert Steele is known as the " hot potato. " 26 If I were you, I'd drop that client a hot potato. 27 You should adopt another way to deal with this hot potato. 28 Steve: It'sure is. If you were broke, she'd drop you like a hot potato. 29 The rule is to take the flashcard as a hot potato and pass it around very quickly while crying out the word, the quickest team will win. 30 South Korean defense forces are using a new "smart grenade" built by Hanwha Corp. that turns hand-to-hand combat into a game of high-explosives hot potato.