快好知 kuaihz

(1) The President's tactics could backfire. (2) Even our most carefully laid plans may backfire. (3) A risk without a clear purpose can backfire. (4) However, this kind of greenback fidelity can backfire once in a while. (5) Once the engine is running smoothly, a backfire can be dramatic. (6) But this Strategy could easily backfire, since strenuous exercise would Simply produce more lactic acid, making the situation worse. (7) Over-enthusiastic followers have been known to backfire on valid and well intentioned initiatives in education. (8) Indeed, half-hearted human-rights diplomacy can backfire nastily. (9) Secret affairs will eventually backfire on you. (10) Some experts worry that the rollout strategy could backfire. (11) But the ploy could backfire by alienating working women. (12) But its brutish behaviour will probably backfire. (13) Being pushy will backfire and leave you in an uncertain and awkward position. (14) The mechanism of backfire in idle condition is theoretically analyzed and the idle control strategy is studied. (15) He warned this might backfire and invite sympathy for the party. (16) Potential Bust-Up: A confessumentary could always backfire if the subject turns out to be a genuine bugger. Gibson better hope he can twang those heart strings. (17) However, this approach can backfire if it triggers a price cutting spiral. (18) Don't criticize the students or it may backfire on you. (19) Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble. (20) These are inherent weaknesses that are best exploited only indirectly, lest criticism backfire. (21) Trying to make your partner jealous by flirting with other people can easily backfire on you. (22) And for Gingrich to try to muscle anyone would backfire. (23) She was clever enough to know that any moves she made which might lead to accusations of favouritism from above could backfire. (24) Smearing a good woman for partisan, political advantage can be a deadly game that can easily backfire. (25) Another risk is that restrictions placed on firms that receive public money backfire. (26) Hedging allows producers to lock-in guaranteed prices for future output, but it can backfire if the price of spot metal rises above the hedged price. (27) On the other hand, phony stagecraft, which isn't tied to truth or to an uplifting vision, will nearly always backfire, especially in today's media-savvy world. (28) America's public call for Turkish entry into the European Union may backfire. (29) But telling a stranger too much about your assets and achievements can backfire. (30) He could offer full-throated or even material support to the opposition, but this would probably backfire: the regime would then be able to portray its opponents as stooges of the Great Satan.