快好知 kuaihz

1. He's been willful and headstrong from a baby. 2. Young love has always been headstrong,but not the flowers only once love. 3. She was very headstrong, and very together. 4. She was a headstrong child, always getting into trouble. 5. She's hopelessly headstrong; she always gets up against people around her. 6. He's young, very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath. 7. This is psychic electrolysis for the headstrong.. 8. Maria was headstrong and rebellious. 9. He is surprised at how headstrong, spoiled rotten, and needful of training and discipline I have become during his absence. 10. How did one stop a person like Harriet, headstrong, independent, beholden to no one? 11. Suzie was headstrong, and sometimes thoughtless of other people's feelings. 12. Kid that age, impulsive, headstrong: not much you can do. 13. Just for once, the headstrong Duchess who had so often flouted royal convention was asking for help and guidance. 14. He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal. 15. The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought. 16. Brigit was always headstrong and mouthy. 17. You have no idea how headstrong she can be. 18. Mrs. Ferrars is a very headstrong, proud woman. 19. Our headstrong queen is to be congratulated. 20. How now, my headstrong! Where have you been gadding? 21. We cannot tolerate his headstrong actions. 22. She was headstrong , angry and not at all submissive. 23. He tended to be a bit headstrong, but most of hisfriends simply wrote that off to youthful enthusiasm and felt sure hewould learn from his mistakes and become a top-notch diver. 24. The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong. 25. The Reaver Knights are commonly made up of the wildest and most headstrong sons of the noble houses. 26. She felt that, even by Nora's standards, Constance was too headstrong for romantic liaisons. 27. But it all seemed very appropriate and didn't seem like a headstrong, desperate manoeuvre in any sense. 28. Leo's parents soon found that they were completely unable to control their headstrong son. 29. Eleanor, on the other hand, was said to be beautiful and lively; she was certainly headstrong and indiscreet. 30. He then proceeded to read the riot act to his headstrong brother.