快好知 kuaihz

31. As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable. 32. Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike. 33. She's even decorated the spare room in anticipation of your visit. 34. The unexpected news sent a thrill of anticipation through the group. 35. In anticipation of bad weather they took plenty of warm clothes. 36. He went towards the front door with pleasurable anticipation. 37. His hard little grey eyes were moist with anticipation. 38. The crowd's mood was one of anticipation. 39. He waited in delicious anticipation. 40. They were fearless, giddy with excitement and anticipation. 41. In anticipation and retrospect, holidays come into their own. 42. There was feeling of anticipation within her. 43. She wanted to savour, to prolong, her anticipation. 44. I froze, mouth trout-like, agape in anticipation, heart racing. 45. We sit in a circle in anxious anticipation. 46. The bottom lip protrudes in sullen, worried anticipation. 47. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement and anticipation. 48. Sometimes we take holidays, full of meaning and anticipation. 49. In anticipation, many thanks for your assistance. 49.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 50. A strange anticipation held her completely immobile. 51. The plant was squirming in delighted anticipation. 52. As in the latter case, the horse may be in eager anticipation of what is to come! 53. Audible gasps rose here and there together with short, whispered words and the murmur of anticipation. 54. Personally, I didn't think she had a chance. In anticipation and retrospect, holidays come into their own. 55. The bulldozers are getting their teeth sharpened in anticipation of devouring this 90-acre morsel, too. 56. Exultation coursed through him in anticipation of an easy kill. 57. Whether only the codon 129 genotype contributes to the molecular basis of this anticipation phenomenon is still unknown. 58. Were those somehow frightening sensations of pleasure followed by an instinctive guilt and terrible anticipation? 59. Fenton moved his big prison rig closer too, in anticipation of a fresh intake of captives. 60. Again he ran his left hand through his hair, but this time he felt a tingle of anticipation.