快好知 kuaihz

151, He didn't realize the seriousness of her illness. 152, The layperson cannot really understand mental illness. 153, Illness has taken a heavy toll on her. 154, Mia resolutely refused to talk about her illness. 155, The doctor made a minute study of the illness. 156, The doctors are completely baffled by her illness. 157, Her illness confined her to bed. 158, Her illness had left her looking pale and thin. 159, All food was repugnant to me during my illness. 160, Her mother was just recovering from an illness . 161, Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years. 162, Paul's back on top form after his illness. 163, The illness first manifested itself in/as severe stomach pains. 164, He is cheerful in spite of his illness. 165, He died after a long illness. 166, The ostensible reason for his absence was illness. 167, You may find your illness hard to accept. 168, He's all skin and bone after his illness. 169, Time lost through illness amounted to 1,357 working days. 170, His illness admits of no delay. 171, Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness. 172, Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness. 173, He was now completely cured of his illness. 174, She endured her long illness with stoicism. 175, During her illness she had feverish dreams. 176, The illness was diagnosed as mumps. 177, She nursed her father through his final illness. 178, The illness robbed him of a normal childhood. 179, He is still a bit wobbly after his illness. 180, Illness struck him off from social contacts.