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bread and butter造句
31. Partnerships will do well not to accede to requests for financial support for the bread and butter resources of schools. 32. Financial management and the complexities of human resource and contract management are the bread and butter skills of many modern businesses. 33. Death poured himself a mug of tea and took another slice of bread and butter. 34. Apple trees are its bread and butter in Britain but mistletoe clearly has no meal ticket. 35. Aunt Edie served up a supper of fried eggs, bacon and tomatoes with bread and butter. 36. They breakfasted on sugared porridge, boiled eggs, bread and butter, and a pot of tea. 37. The bread and butter of defense attorneys is to see how many people they can put on trial. 38. Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. 39. Routine office work is my bread and butter. 40. Bread and butter is theirs daily nutriment. 41. No, thanks. I'd like some bread and butter. 42. Meg was in a blissful dream lifted far above such common things as bread and butter. 43. That crap you put out, I understand, bread and butter. 44. Teetotal The charge for entrance to such fashionable gardens as Vauxhall or Ranalagh Gardens included tea with bread and butter, a welcome refreshment after the entertainment. 45. He doesn't just write for fun; writing is his bread and butter. 46. Another slice of bread and butter: three, four: right . 47. This kind of letter is often called a " bread and butter note ". 48. Television rights have been its existing bread and butter for many years. 49. She sat down and proceeded to cut bread and butter. 50. Brown bread and butter. But he likes noodle soup. He says it's better. 51. Then he added, " This work is my bread and butter. " 52. For breakfast, she had only a slice of bread and butter. 53. Stacks and Queues are often considered the bread and butter of data structures and find use in architecture, parsing, operating systems, and discrete event simulation. 54. In a normal market, real estate brokers would turn their backs on the red tape, uncertainty and lower margins of a forced sale but today, such transactions are bread and butter for many agents.