快好知 kuaihz

31) Lithotripsy of a densely calcified gall bladder stone has been described in a case report. 32) Previous studies of the effect of smoking on gall bladder disease have reported conflicting results. 33) The rate of symptomatic gall bladder disease among women of parity 1 was generally twice that of their nulliparous counterparts. 34) In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation. 35) The introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has changed the approach to the treatment of symptomatic gall stones. 36) Fasting gall bladder volume increased after injections, compared with the volume before treatment. 37) It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations. 38) Previous reports have indicated, however, that smoking is associated with an increased risk of gall stone disease. 39) Thirty four patients were a high operative risk and 14 presented with an acute complication of gall stone disease. 40) Gall bladder volume was calculated with the sum of cylinders method. 41) Only six of the 13 patients had a clear gall bladder at the end of the first procedure. 42) Continuous saline infusion through a side port of the lithotrite was maintained throughout to keep the gall bladder distended. 43) The concentrations of total lipid and protein in gall bladder bile were not significantly different between the two groups. 44) This study indicates that octreotide injections impair postprandial gall bladder contraction for at least four hours. 45) The unmitigated gall of the man, strolling up at this time and expecting a welcome. 46) He had sent it to a top producer at Spelling Entertainment who was indignant that Hein had the gall to plagiarize. 47) Congress actually had the gall to vote for a pay raise for themselves. 48) Similarly, increased fasting gall bladder volumes have been reported in obese, tall, and muscular subjects. 49) In gall bladder filling after a test meal, V r e s reflects maximum gall bladder volume. 50) Mr Ali, 25, was hit in the stomach and had to have his gall bladder removed. 51) These results suggest that smoking and parity are important risk factors for the development of symptomatic gall bladder disease in women. 52) These findings support the existence of a key L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway regulating gall bladder contraction. 53) Whatever the mechanism is, the patients with cholesterol gall stones produce less metastable hepatic bile. 54) The presence of symptomatic gall stones in eight patients is interesting and is the subject of a more thorough investigation. 55) The concentration of electrolytes in bile from patients with stones in the gall bladder did not differ significantly from controls. 56) When it was designed, oral cholecystectography was the method of choice for the diagnosis of gall stones. 57) With the exception of these 11 patients, when ultrasonagraphy suggested gall stone recurrence it was always accompanied by an oral cholecystectography. 58) Eight hours after octreotide injection, postprandial gall bladder contraction was partially restored. 59) Patients with gall stones or established inflammatory bowel disease were excluded. 60) This would be the least expensive and most acceptable form of longterm prophylaxis against gall stone recurrence.