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natural law造句
1 Natural law thinking is characterized by two major problems. 2 Musical form is no exception to this natural law. 3 The Natural Law Party, which is fielding 313 candidates, unveiled its long-awaited party election television broadcast last night. 4 The Natural Law Party qualified for the ballot last December. 5 But of course natural law is false judged by positivist assumptions just as positivism is false judged by natural law assumptions. 6 However, the natural law governing committees soon took hold and progress was glacially slow. 7 Comply with nature: Actively respect the natural law. 8 There are no unequals Before natural law. 9 No one can survive violating natural law. 10 The operation of natural law is constant. 11 We must follow the natural law. 12 John Finnis , Natural Law and Natural Rights, Oxford University Press, 1980 ,[www.] p .88. 13 If the Western people stress the natural law, the Chinese the " kingly way - Wang Faren . " 14 Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law. 15 By the natural law which governs all effort , what he wrote reacted upon him. 16 Natural law school provided necessarily theory supports for its generation and development. 17 It is a natural law and normal phenomenon that the opposite exists. 18 After the ablution of new natural law and law realism, the contract for third party's benefit is recognized and a big shock to the principle of privity of contract is caused. 19 He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty. 20 Law was no longer conceived of as an eternal set of principles expressed in custom and derived from natural law. 21 But it is not merely the minimum content of natural law which supports such a view. 22 He was convinced that, in a world governed by natural law, life must inevitably be accompanied by reproduction and death. 23 However, the argument he gave for this differs tremendously from the natural law tradition that had predominated in Western thought. 24 In an extensive media publicity campaign last week the Natural Law Party announced they would be fielding candidates in each constituency. 25 In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law. 26 The remaining 5 percent aligned themselves with fringe groups such as the Natural Law, Green and Libertarian parties. 27 Thereon, whether the just principia is the neutrally 'political morality' for the contractual politics or a comprehensive moral doctrine will be the coming war in defense of natural law. 28 The civil disobedience theory of Rawls is deeply rooted in the western natural law tradition. 29 To put it in the terms of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law. 30 The article deals briefly with the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Law and its relationship with Natural Law.