快好知 kuaihz

121. But legal experts here say DSK is likely to be acquitted now that his accuser has been exposed as a liar and fraudster. 122. The jury found the evidence against the prisoner inconclusive and acquitted him. 123. "He's been with us for seven days, he's acquitted himself very well, " said Hughes of Tinkler. 124. He was acquitted on the charge of murder but convicted of manslaughter. 125. The judge talked the prisoner those the jury had acquitted him on the charge of bigamy. 126. She was acquitted on the obstruction of justice charge and, according to press reports, the jury deadlocked 7-5 for acquittal on the contempt charges. 127. A few months later, the Senate acquitted Johnson of the impeachment charges by just one vote. 128. James Lee was acquitted of littering in the same case, according to Montgomery County, Maryland, Circuit Court records, said Eric Nee, a senior assistant state's attorney. 129. In one leaked cable from the U. S. Embassy in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, diplomats warned that if Taylor is acquitted and returns to Liberia it could destabilize the country's fragile peace. 130. Ford was acquitted, but the damage to the company was incalculable.